Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Inherit The Wind Critique

     The movie Inherit The Wind directed by Stanley Kramer is based off the real historical known as the Scopes Monkey Trial. The film in my opinion correctly presents the conflict of bible teachings and true knowledge. Many deep phrases such as: "Progress has never been a bargain. You have to pay for it." impressed me because they are very true. The courtroom was always hot to signify the literal heat or the imaginative tension between the two famed lawyers named Matthew Harrison Brady(Spencer Tracy) and Henry Drummond(Fredric March).
     Inherit The Wind is about a young school teacher(Bertram Cates) who is arrested because he teaches his students that man evolved as Charles Darwin stated. In the city of Hillsborough however, it is illegal to object the bible and Bertram Cates(Dick York) is being tried for expressing his opinion where his opinion is very true. Brady, the prosecutor, comes to the city as a hero to purge nonbelievers and the citizens welcome him with a great entrance. Henry on the other hand, he came quietly and was not welcome. Henry was not alone and had E.K. Hornbeck(Gene Kelly) with him, a very famous news reporter. Both men agreed with Bert and defend him against the heavily favored Brady and a church-educated crowd. In the end, the defense loses but they make their point where soon, others in the nation will follow.
     The actors were pretty accurate from the book but as always, the book has more details than the movie. There characters rile up and generate controversy over the bias crowd. The movie sparks a kind of David vs. Goliath match where the least supported defense fights the over-religious prosecution. There is also a tiny romance compared to Romeo and Juliet where Bert is engaged to Rachel, the preacher's daughter. The scene and settings I would say fit the setting of a courtroom in 1925. Overall, the movie was well setup and executed.
     I would like to speak and note about the many quotes that I highly recommend people to know. One used by Henry, "The bible is a book. It's a good book, but it's not the only book." says that people who limit their understanding towards the bible alone, they suppress the knowledge of what really happens. Henry tries to expand the mind of the crowd to see as Bert does. Brady's knowledge of the bible results in his downfall as Henry explains what he failed to do. More quotes:Inherit The Wind Quotes
     This movie kept me interested and informed me at the same time. The clear history between the two lawyers added contrast between them. Bert and Rachel's engagement and relationship spices things up as they try to be together despite their  split opinions. Hornbeck's nosy attitude and rude and truthful statements introduce a kind of humor for the reader. In conclusion, the movie entertained me and honestly baffled me when both lawyers used very exotic vocabulary. I highly recommend watching this movie and I too would place this film in my own list of great movies.

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